Today was the last day of school for the kid before Christmas vacation, and to add to the mix, today was also the day of her class’s Christmas party, AND they had a half day.

In other words, no writing this morning or this afternoon. I’ve also been going through my usual pre-Christmas stress-out/cranky-fest, and I wasn’t in the best mood to deal with a wired-up four year old. So, when Jack finally made it home I was more than ready to throw him the reins to the kid and take off on my own for a little while. I grabbed my purse and laptop and headed to the coffee shop–since my Lair wasn’t far enough away from the house. I’d told Jack I would be gone about two hours, but within an hour I’d put down 1200 words and a large hot chocolate. And, I felt sane(r) again.

I’m at about the 2/3 point of the draft of this project, and I’m starting to feel like I’m in the home stretch. I’m at that point where I can see all of the plot threads pulling together, and am starting to believe that I’ll actually be able to turn this into a real Book.

Told ya. Boring entry. I didn’t write, then I did write. Blah blah blah.