Jul 31

My Worldcon schedule

I’ll be flying in to Denver sometime before noon on Wednesday, and, according to the pocket program, I am currently scheduled for the following:

Friday 1PM
SF in CSI: What’s possible. What’s imaginary, & what’s economically feasible
CCC - Room 505
A panel of experts discusses the science and economics of CSI. What is real, what might be real soon or with large expenditures, and what is pure fiction?
(m) Colin Harvey, Cordelia Willis, Diana Rowland, Henry Stratmann, Perrianne Lurie

Saturday 10AM
Clarion West Student Readings, the 90s
CCC - Room 604

Erm, I seem to be the only person listed under this time slot, and it looks like there’s nothing else scheduled for the room until 11:30. Gulp. If you plan on attending Worldcon, please do consider coming to my reading? Please? I’ll be reading the first chapter of Mark of the Demon, and possible more depending on interest. And I’ll have chocolate!

Also, I was merrily skimming through the pocket program and stumbled across this:

Saturday 1:45 PM
CCC - Hall D
Signing (45 minutes)
Diana Rowland, Jeanne Stein, John Miller

Erm. I have no idea what I’m supposed to sign, but I’ll be there, and if anyone cares to stop by I will once again have chocolate!

Other than the above I am fairly free (except for breakfast on Friday.) If you see me, please come and say Hi!

Jul 25

Awesomeness from last night’s cooking class (theme: cooking with herbs)

Clear tomato soup.

Wow. Just… wow.


Scamp grouper with herb crumbs
Cilantro Oil
Herb mayonnaise
Pesto Genovese Sauce
Chicken Bois Boudran
Fennel salad
Red wine and basil jellies with strawberries and sweetened cream.

Sunday’s agenda: Bicycle 40 miles.

Jul 23

My poor blog…

Oh, my poor neglected blog.

In my defense, my life really hasn’t been that exciting lately. Marvelous and stress-free, yes, but the excitement level has been a bit low.

However, there are a few things I could mention:

I received my first advance check a couple of weeks ago. That was WAY up there in the “Holy crap this is so frickin cool!” category.

I’ll be speaking at the next meeting of the New Orleans chapter of the Romance Writers of America on Crime Scene Investigation for the Writer (subtitled: Don’t You Dare Use CSI For Your Research.)

I gave up on the running a couple of months ago due to the persistent plantar fasciitis and bought a cheapo Schwinn bicycle. Turns out I really like cycling and I managed to get my distance up to respectable mileage fairly quickly. I subsequently turned around and bought a non-cheapo Trek FX 7.3 which I luurrrrrrve! I started cycling on the St. Tammany Trace and last Sunday did 34 miles. Go me! My current goal is to ride at least a hundred miles a week, however I’m seriously considering signing up for a century ride in late September (though I think I’ll probably just sign up for the “metric century” since two months is a pretty short amount of time to add almost seventy miles to my distance. Yeah, I’m a wimp.)

The writing is going well. The reading is going well.

I’m taking cooking classes and having a blast. Cooking is one of my non-existent skills and this is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. However, at the end of the class we eat what we cooked, so it’s a damn good thing I’m doing well with the cycling!

I’ll be at Worldcon in Denver from August 6-11 and will be on the following programming:

Friday 1300
SF in CSI: What’s possible. What’s imaginary, and what’s economically feasible

Saturday 1000
Clarion West Student Readings, the 90s

And finally, I had some professional pictures taken recently, and I’m pretty darn psyched with how they turned out!

Jul 8

Wii are not that fat

I really do love my new Wii, and really really love my WiiFit, but I do wish it wouldn’t let out an electronic “Oof!” when I step on as if it can’t stand my weight